Insights • Connection • Inspiration

Curiosity and Judgement

Reading Time: 11 minutes

Curiosity and Judgement Rarely Co-Exist

This idea keeps coming up in my work, my conversations, and my life. And when something keeps coming up, I turn towards it (and get curious about it).

Curiosity ignites spaciousness, flow, openness, and flexibility. Judgment closes, limits, shrinks, and suppresses. Routine judgment of ourselves and others diminishes our vitality.

Also: the tendency to judge may be a signpost of diminished vitality, because judgment often arises from a place of fear and self-protection (and we don’t thrive in fear and self-protection). Judgement helps us feel less threatened, temporarily.

Curiosity, rather, is available to us when we feel safe and secure. It is a signpost of vitality. And practicing it enhances our […]

How Acute Disease Strengthens Our Vitality

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Eighteen days ago I declared rest in an Instagram post, unaware of the depth of rest that was to come. That night my son showed symptoms of an acute viral illness (yes, that one). We’ve been hunkered down since, taking our turns responding to this stressor.

My body initially responded with aches, chills, head pain, fever, and fatigue—all uncomfortable symptoms. And despite my discomfort, I celebrated these life-affirming expressions. (I also cursed them at times when I just felt over it all).

I celebrated because acute diseases hold immense healing potential. They can strengthen our vitality, and in fact, it is part of our divine design.

But we need to remember a […]

Not Another Resolution

Reading Time: 8 minutes

I’m not drawn to New Year’s resolutions. True vitality is hardly nourished through a once-a-year declaration.

That’s not to say we shouldn’t set goals or have intentions. But doing it once on the New Year and expecting that we’ll uproot decades-long behavior patterns and conditioning too often leads to feelings of guilt or shame when we, understandably, don’t stick with the changes we set out to make.

If you’re considering a New Year’s resolution (or any change to support your health and healing), I invite you to consider a shift in your approach and get curious, instead. Keep reading for three simple experiments that, explored alone or together, will give you more […]

Empowered with Homeopathy

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Empowered with Homeopathy

What is it to be empowered? What does it mean for you?

I feel most empowered when:

  • I perceive that I have options & the freedom to choose.
  • I feel safe & my options feel safe.
  • I am connected to my Vital Self & I make choices aligned with this part of Self. (Rather than making choices from a place of fear or scarcity).

Homeopathy allows me to choose a safe and supportive way to nurture health and healing for myself and my family.

And it aligns with the part of me that intends to nourish my (our) innate healing capacity.

I feel empowered with homeopathy. And, I’m here […]

Revisiting Partnerships

Reading Time: 5 minutes

This girl is my partner in healing and in life. And I am hers.

Healing called me in to connect with her, and so many other parts of me, with compassion and intention.

Being partners means we hold space for each other and listen to each other. We honor each other’s wisdom. We build trust with one another through practice.  We share a common vision, even when we aren’t yet aligned on how to get there. We’re there with each other.

Partnering with this girl allows me to, more and more, align with my Vital Self, that part of me that knows and trusts in my innate healing capacity, because […]

The Complexity of Joy

Reading Time: 8 minutes

I danced with dolphins on Sunday. It was the ultimate celebration of my transition from student homeopath to practicing homeopath.

Connecting with these creatures has been on my proverbial bucket list since I can remember. You know the experience of building something up in your mind so much that the something can’t possibly meet your unreasonable expectations? This was NOT one of those situations.

I felt wild and big JOY, beyond what I imagined, in the presence of these gentle, loving, playful beings.

The Complexity of Joy

My relationship with joy is complex—as it is for so many humans.

I remember when I first heard Brené Brown […]

Probability and Possibility

Reading Time: 6 minutes

My husband and I celebrated our birthdays this weekend. I’m forty-five. He’s forty-two.

Yes, we have the same birthday. What are the odds that spouses share a birthday? I looked it up, and while numbers vary, it might be around .27%. The probability is low, but clearly it’s a possibility.


When I was young, I liked that math so often yielded clear answers. When studying for my master of public health, statistics offered tools to research and answer so many of my health-related questions.

And while the part of my human mind that craves certainty still finds some comfort in numbers, after forty-five trips around the sun I’m more […]

Revolutionary Healing Part 6: Barriers & Bridges to Healing

Reading Time: 8 minutes

I recently shared that I’m on the other side of a number of months of uncomfortable symptoms that were, ultimately, an invitation to remember my wholeness on a deeper level. While that’s true, this is ALSO true: my symptoms were an invitation to take an honest look at what’s connecting me to my healing and what’s getting in the way of it.

Last September I started my third year of homeopathic training. It was my first year of full-time school alongside conscious parenting, birthing a business, nourishing a marriage, healing, and more—all while witnessing the biggest collective trauma of my lifetime. It […]

A Collection of Invitations

Reading Time: 12 minutes

Eleven days, nine states, two national parks, forty-nine state license plates, kids bickering, countless songs and pit stops, and so many lessons learned from immersing ourselves in the landscape of life. Our family’s cross-country road trip punctuated a summer – and a year – full of invitations to learn and grow. I was on the other side of, what some might call, a healing crisis when we landed in Badlands National Park, a magical place that stunned me with its beauty and reinforced a truth I’ve come to know through healing:

Life is a collection of invitations to remember our wholeness.



Revolutionary Healing Part 5: Self-Expression

Reading Time: 13 minutes

I’m still learning how to embody the magic and medicine of self-expression after years of actively healing my body, mind, heart, and spirit through expressive practices.

My therapist highlighted this recently when I shared a letter with her that I’d written in my journal. I’d intended to feel and express my anger through this writing; however, after three tries (including two invitation from her to try again), she helped me see how I’d intellectualized the emotion every single time.

I quite easily thought and wrote ABOUT my anger, but I didn’t actually FEEL or EXPRESS it.

Suppression of Self

Anger is one of the four core […]